Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Monday, August 16, 2010

~HAppY 8th moNtH ALif~

Alif is 8th month already!! Happy 8th month my little Alif Rayyan.
Hope u growing up very well with bless from ALLAH.

Latest progress~~ALIF CAN WAIVE HIS HAND WHEN I SAID "BA BAI~~~" SOMETIMES HE WAIVE BOTH HAND!! im proud as a mum!!!

Alif become very active so that i cannot snap his pic properly~~so all the pic become blurr n he didnt see the camera!

* now i am teaching Alif how to flying kishhhh~~~hehehe


shima said...

happy 8th month, alif!!!
cepat nye mse berlalu... rse nye last dukung alif mse bb lg.. huhu ~ be a good boy, ok..? :)

suzieradzali said...

oyehhh mummy mama....wahhh mama (singkatan nama shima konn pelat)
pang sekalikkk.....cik cuji lelebey